Cycle Home Loan Acquisition or Construction Refinancing Equity
1 year fixed 7.0000% 7.0000% 8.0000%
2 year fixed 7.2500% 7.2500% 8.2500%
3 year fixed 7.2500% 7.2500% 8.5000%
5 year fixed 7.5000% 7.5000% 9.0000%
10 year fixed 9.2500% 9.2500% 10.5000%
15 year fixed 10.0000% 10.0000% N/A
20 year fixed 10.5000% N/A N/A
25 year fixed 10.5000% N/A N/A

Rates are subject to change without prior notice.
Please contact any PSBank branch for the prevailing rates.
For loan applications thru any PSBank branch or PSBank Online only