AXA’s Comprehensive Car Insurance is your solid game plan on the road.  It provides protection against losses and liabilities arising from road and vehicular accidents.

Please note that the foregoing is not a deposit product. Earnings are not assured and principal amount invested is exposed to risk of loss. This product cannot be sold to you unless its benefits and risks have been thoroughly explained. If you do not fully understand this product, do not purchase or invest in it.

Be confident on the road with AXA and get access to the following features:

  1. Quick, easy, and paperless claims processing

  2. 24/7 emergency assistance

  Roadside Assistance - 24/7 Roadside Emergency Assistance


  • Own Damage and Theft (OD) - Protects you against damage incurred by the insured vehicle due to accidental collision, fire, explosion, overturning and malicious damage.

  • Theft (TH) - Protects you against loss in or theft of the insured vehicle.


  • (VTPL-BI) - Cover intended to protect you against 3rd party liability in excess of the CTPL cover

  • VTPL - Property Damage (VTPL-PD) - Cover intended to protect you against damage to properties of 3rd party(ies).


  • Acts of Nature (AON) - Cover against flood, typhoon, hurricane, volcanic eruption, and earthquake.

  • Unnamed Passenger Personal Accident (UPPA) - Protection extended to the passengers riding in, boarding, or alighting from the insured vehicle.

  • Roadside Assistance - 24/7 Roadside Emergency Assistance

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