With PSBank PaSend, you can conveniently send cash instantly, 24/7, to your family, relatives or friends with just a few taps on PSBank Mobile and a few click on PSBank Online using a desktop, laptop, tablet or even your mobile phone. The cash may be withdrawn by the intended recipient from any PSBank or Metrobank ATMs.

The PaSend service does not require your beneficiary to have an account with PSBank. As such, it will also be of benefit even the unbanked Filipinos or those who don’t have deposit accounts.




    1. Log in to PSBank Mobile/Online and select “PaSend” from the menu
    2. Choose the source PSBank account
    3. Specify the amount intended to be remitted or paid out
    4. Nominate a random one-time 4-digit PIN(referred to as “PIN 1”) specific to the PaSend request
    5. Indicate the beneficiary’s full name and mobile number
      A One-Time Password (OTP) will be sent to you (the Sender) via SMS or In-App notification to validate request/requestor.
    6. Type in the OTP
      A system-generated 6-digit PIN (referred to as “PIN2”) and the amount will be sent to your named Beneficiary’s mobile number.

      An SMS notification will also be automatically sent to you (the Sender) advising you that the PIN2 and amount has been sent to your Beneficiary.
    7. Send your nominated one-time PIN 1 to your Beneficiary. Your Beneficiary will need this to withdraw the fund you sent via PaSend.

  2. WITHDRAW PaSend

    The Beneficiary may withdraw the funds as soon as he/she receives:

    • The 4-digit PIN from the Sender and;
    • The system generated SMS containing the 6-digit PIN and amount

   To withdraw the funds sent via PSBank PaSend

    1. Go to any PSBank or Metrobank ATM
    2. Press “Enter” on the keypad
    3. Type in your PIN 1, PIN 2, and the amount.
    4. Get cash

Sending Limit (on Sender):

Per Transaction
  • Minimum of PhP200
  • Maximum of PhP5,000

(In multiples of 100)
Per Day
PhP30,000 per source account

Receiving Limit (on Beneficiary):

Per Day
  • Minimum of PhP200 
  • Maximum of PhP5,000 per mobile number
Per Month

Note:  The Sender will shoulder the fee of PhP25.00 for the PaSend transaction.

Low Cost Remittance. The service provides a way for PSBank customers to transfer money at a minimal cost to relatives and friends even without a PSBank ATM card or bank account.

Convenience. 24/7 access at any PSBank and Metrobank ATMs without a need for an ATM card.

Security. PIN that will be used to withdraw cash in the ATM are combination of PINs provided by the sender and system generated by the Bank

1.  What is PSBank PaSend?

 PSBank PaSend: Instant Cash Padala  is a service which enables PSBank clients (sender) to send instant cash, from their accounts via the PSBank Mobile / Online, to their beneficiaries even when they don’t have existing deposit account/s.   


       2. How do I make PaSend  request?

•  Log in to PSBank Mobile / Online and select “PaSend” from the menu

•  Choose the source PSBank account

•  Specify the amount intended to be remitted or paid out

•  Nominate a random one-time 4-digit PIN(referred to as “PIN 1”) specific to the PaSend request

•  Indicate the following beneficiary details:

•  First and Last Name
•  Mobile Number
•  Birth Date
•  Purpose of PaSend
•  Relationship to Sender

A One-Time Password (OTP) will be sent to you (the Sender) via SMS.

•  Type in the OTP

A system-generated 6-digit PIN (referred to as “PIN2”) and the amount will be sent to your named Beneficiary’s mobile number.

An SMS notification will also be automatically sent to you (the Sender) advising you that the PIN2 and amount has been sent to your Beneficiary.

•  Send your nominated one-time PIN 1 to your Beneficiary. Your Beneficiary will need this to withdraw the fund you sent via PaSend.

3.  Are there limits in the amount that I can send?

Sending Limit (on Sender):

Per Transaction

  • Minimum of PhP200
  • Maximum of PhP5,000

(In multiples of 100)

Per Day

  • PhP30,000  per source account

  Receiving Limit (on Beneficiary):

Per Day

  • Minimum of PhP200
  • Maximum of PhP5,000 per name and mobile number

Per Month

  • PhP50,000 

         4.  How many PaSend requests can I make per day?

You (Sender) can create multiple requests from a single source account, provided the total amount will not exceed the daily maximum limit of PhP30,000 per source account.

5.  Is there a Service Fee for PaSend transactions?

PaSend comes with a PhP25.00 fee per transaction.  An additional PhP7.50 will be collected from you if your beneficiary withdraws the funds from a Metrobank ATM.  All fees are for the account of the Sender.

6. How will I know if my Beneficiary has already withdrawn the funds I sent via PaSend?

An email and SMS notifications will be automatically sent to you (the Sender) confirming that the “PaSend” transaction has been consummated or withdrawn by your Beneficiary.

7.  Can I cancel my PaSend request?

Yes.  Only incomplete / pending PaSend requests (wherein funds have not been withdrawn) can be cancelled.

8.  How do I cancel my PaSend request?

You may cancel an incomplete / pending PaSend request via PSBank Mobile / Online or by calling our 24/7 Customer Experience Hotline at (632) 8845-8888.

To cancel a PaSend request via PSBank Mobile / Online:

•  Select “PaSend”
•  Click “Cancel Requests”
•  Click the “X” icon beside the transaction you wish to cancel
•  Status of request will change from “Pending” to “Cancelled.”

9. Can I (the Sender) change / modify the Beneficiary of my PaSend transaction?

No. If there is a need to change the Beneficiary, you may cancel the “Pending” PaSend request and create a new request. Service fee for PaSend transactions are non-refundable.

10.  Where can I view my PaSend transactions?

You may view your PaSend transactions for the past 30 days via PSBank Mobile / Online.  Simply log in to your PSBank Mobile / Online account, select “View PaSend request”  and your requests for the past 30 days with their corresponding status will be displayed.

Legend of each transaction:

•  Completed – This means you have successfully completed a PaSend transaction.

•  Pending –PaSend transactions that have not yet been completed or withdrawn by your beneficiary.

•  Expired – PaSend transactions that may no longer be completed because your six-digit PIN or (PIN 2) has expired. All PIN 2 are only valid for 12 hours from the time of your request.

•  Cancelled – PaSend transactions that you cancelled.

•  Rejected – PaSend transactions that were cancelled by our system after three invalid withdrawal attempts in our ATMs.

•  Failed – PaSend transactions that were not completed due to undispensed cash.

11. What should I do if my beneficiary has any concerns regarding his/her PaSend withdrawal transaction?

You may call our 24/7 Customer Experience Hotline at (632) 8845-8888.



12. How soon can I (the Beneficiary) withdraw the money?

 The Beneficiary may withdraw the funds as soon as he/she receives:

•  The 4-digit PIN from the Sender and;

•  The system generated SMS containing the 6-digit PIN and amount

How do I withdraw the funds sent to me via PaSend?

•  Go to any PSBank or Metrobank ATM

•  Press “Enter” on the keypad

•  Type in your PIN 1, PIN 2, and the amount.

• Get cash

14. How much can the Sender send me?

The Sender may send you a minimum of PhP200 to a maximum of PhP5,000 daily.

15. How much can I withdraw?

•  The amount to be withdrawn should match the amount indicated in the system-generated SMS containing the 6-digit PIN.

•  Partial withdrawal of the amount is NOT allowed.

•  Amount to be withdrawn should be divisible by 100.

16.  Is there a service fee for the withdrawal?


Service Fee




PhP7.50 per withdrawal which will be deducted from the Sender’s account

17.  What should I do if I get an error message on the ATM screen?

When you get an error message on the ATM screen or for any concerns regarding your withdrawal transaction, please inform the Sender immediately.


18.  If on my first attempt I got an error message on the ATM screen for entering incorrect details, can I  still perform PaSend using the correct details?

Yes. You may perform the transaction in the same terminal by typing in the correct details. If you still get the same error message, please try another PSBank ATM or inform the Sender immediately.

19.  What will happen to my PaSend withdrawal transaction if i entered a wrong PIN or wrong amount 3 times?

After three invalid attempts in the ATM, your PaSend withdrawal will be cancelled by the system. Both Sender and Beneficiary will receive an SMS notification that the PaSend transaction has been cancelled. 

         20.  Can I withdraw an amount lower than the amount requested? 

Partial withdrawal is NOT allowed.  The amount indicated in the SMS notification  via PaSend should be the actual amount to be withdrawn in the ATM.



           21.  What is the difference between 4-digit (PIN 1) and 6-digit (PIN 2)?

•  PIN 1 is any one-time four-digit number which the Sender nominate and type in when making a PaSend request. Said PIN 1 should be provided to the Beneficiary for him/her to withdraw the funds.

•  PIN 2 is a system-generated six-digit number which the Beneficiary will receive via SMS for every PaSend request.

How long is the validity of the 6-digit PIN 2?

The system-generated six-digit PIN (PIN 2) is valid within 12 hours from the time of the transaction request.  After 12 hours, your PaSend request and PIN 2 will no longer be accepted. 

23. How secure is the PaSend facility?

The multi-factor authentication that comes with every PaSend transaction makes every transaction secure and reduces fraud risks.

At PSBank’s instance, more information may be required of the beneficiary.

          24.  What are the benefits of the PSBank PaSend facility?

•  Low Cost Remittance. The service provides a way for PSBank customers to transfer money at a minimal cost to relatives and friends even without a PSBank ATM card or bank account.

•   24/7 access at any PSBank and Metrobank ATMs without a need for an ATM card.

•  PIN that will be used to withdraw cash in the ATM are combination of PINs provided by the sender and system generated by the Bank. 

25. What do I do if I notice any suspicious activity or transactions in my account?

Immediately notify us if you detect any suspicious activities in your account. Call our 24/7 Customer Experience Hotline at (632) 8845- 8888; visit any PSBank branch; send us an email at [email protected] or report it via PSBank LiveChat by visiting www.psbank.com.ph.

For more information:


* Deposits are insured by PDIC up to PhP500,000 per depositor.

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