With Cardless Withdrawal, nothing can stop you from making important transactions or rewarding purchases even if you forgot your ATM card at home, lost it or had it blocked.

All you need to do is to log-in to your PSBank Online or PSBank Mobile App and with just a few taps, you can instantly and securely withdraw cash from any 2,400 Metrobank + PSBank ATMs nationwide even without your card.

Download PSBank Mobile at App Store, Google Play, or the AppGallery today!

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Step 1: Log-in to your PSBank Online or PSBank Mobile app account to create your Cardless Withdrawal request.

Step 2: Select Cardless Withdrawal, choose your PSBank Account where the amount will be withdrawn (source of account), type in your nominated four-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN 1), and the amount to be withdrawn.

Step 3: You will receive a unique six-digit system-generated Personal Identification Number (PIN 2) on your PSBank Online or PSBank Mobile App. Your PIN 2 is only valid for 30 minutes from the time of your request.

Step 4: Go to any PSBank or Metrobank ATM, press the ENTER key to start your Cardless Withdrawal transaction. Once all details provided are correct, the ATM will dispense your cash.

Minimum Amount for Withdrawal

PhP100 per request for each withdrawal
Note: Amount to be withdrawn should be divisible by 100

Maximum Amount for

PhP10,000 per request for each withdrawal


  • Amount of request should not exceed the daily withdrawal limit of PhP30,000 per day.
  • Amount requested should be the actual amount to be withdrawn from the ATM.  Partial withdrawal is not allowed.

Number of Requests
Allowed in a day

  • No limit. You can create multiple requests at the same time, provided your total amount to be withdrawn will not exceed the daily withdrawal limit.
  • Your request will be cancelled after three invalid ATM withdrawal attempts.

Validity of Personal Identification Number (PIN2)

The six-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN 2) is valid within 30 minutes from the time of request.

Cancellation of Request

Account owner may request for cancellation of pending Cardless Withdrawal transaction through PSBank Online, PSBank Mobile or by calling our 24/7 Customer Experience Hotline (632) 8845-8888.

Channels where to create your Cardless Withdrawal request

Source Account

Service Fee

A PhP7.50 service fee applies for PSBank Cardless Withdrawals done in Metrobank ATMs and vice-versa.

  • Convenience: 24/7 access to your funds at any PSBank ATM even without your physical ATM card.

  • Security: Help minimize fraud and ATM skimming.

Click here for the Frequently Asked Questions.

For more information:


* Deposits are insured by PDIC up to PhP500,000 per depositor.

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