With  PSBank Mobile Check Deposit you can deposit eligible PSBank and other local checks payable to you, to your personal savings or checking accounts, just by taking a photo and a few taps on PSBank Mobile.  Tap, tap, tapos agad!

No need to go the bank to have you checks cleared.

Note:  Access to the service is subject to eligibility, cut-offs, and transaction limits.  It is available exclusively through PSBank Mobile, to customers with an individual or joint “or” current/savings account, maintained at the bank and enrolled in PSBank Mobile.

To use the PSBank Mobile Check Deposit service, you must have a total Deposit Relationship Balance of PhP50,000.00 (combined Month-to-Date Average Daily Balance (ADB) for the relevant month, or Outstanding Balances of Savings Account, Checking Account, Time Deposit, and Prepaid Account).

US Dollar-denominated accounts are included with a fixed foreign exchange conversion rate of PhP50: USD 1

UITF and Loan Accounts are not included.


  1. Drawn on PSBank or other local banks;
  2. Payable in Philippine currency only;
  3. Dated not more than 6 months or 179 days prior to the date of deposit;
  4. Payable to the customer that owns the account where the check is being deposited to. Checks that are payable to “joint and” accounts are not acceptable;
  5. Completely filled out, signed, with “For Electronic Endorsement to PSBank Only” written at the back of the check, endorsed or presented in accordance with the pertinent laws on negotiable instruments;
  6. Checks shall not have any alterations or technical defects;
  7. The entire amount indicated in the check must be deposited to the client’s current/savings account; partial negotiation shall not be allowed under this service;
  8. Must not have been previously endorsed/negotiated/presented, either manually or electronically. Checks previously deposited through PSBank Mobile Banking which were returned may be directly deposited to any PSBank branch, if for re-deposit or second presentment.
  9. Checks are acceptable under the terms of PSBank Account and not prohibited by PSBank under the current rules relating to the service.


Active Current or Savings Accounts

Note: Time Deposits, Prepaid Accounts, Accounts tagged as Cash-Basis-Only (CBO), UITF, Loan Accounts, and accounts with other restrictions (dormant, closed, etc.) are not eligible as target accounts.


  1. Log in to the PSBank Mobile App
  2. Select “Deposit Check” (Note: you may also go to the “Create a Transaction” module in the Mobile App to make a deposit)

    For first-time users, read the Terms and Conditions, tick “I Agree” and click “Proceed.”

  3. Choose the target account where the check will be deposited to.
  4. Encode the amount of the check.
  5. Sign at the back of the check and indicate “For Electronic Endorsement to PSBank Only”,  DATE OF DEPOSIT, and the account number where the check will be deposited to.
  6. Take a photo of the front and back of your endorsed check with your mobile device.

    Please follow these guidelines:


    • Ensure that the check is completely filled-out and has no marks, erasures, or alterations
    • Ensure photo is not blurred, and all text are clear and readable. We strongly recommend taking the photo in a well-lit room. Avoid having any reflection or shadow in the shot.
    • When cropping the check image, adjust the cropping tool to match the check’s edges.  Avoid blank spaces.


    • Make sure to legibly write the following information at the back of the check before you take a photo:
      • “For electronic endorsement to PSBank only”
      • PSBank Account Number where the check will be deposited to
      • Your endorsement or signature
      • Date of deposit

    • When cropping the check image, adjust the cropping tool to match the check’s edges.  Avoid blank spaces.


    • Provide the required information at the back of the check (see illustration below for your reference):

      1. Indicate “For electronic endorsement to PSBank only”
      2. Your signature
      3. PSBank account number where the check will be deposited
      4. Date of deposit

    • Checks with any erasures, alterations or with multiple account numbers written at the back side of the check shall not be accepted for deposit.

  7. Submit check images for processing

Note: Checks will be subject to image quality checking to ensure compliance with PSBank and PCHC standards. Checks shall likewise be reviewed by PSBank for its technicalities and compliance with the bank’s guidelines. Only acceptable checks shall be submitted for clearing / processing.


Checks received within the set clearing cut-off (3:00pm) shall be processed within the day. Checks received after the clearing cut-off shall be processed on the next banking day.


Transaction Amount Limit per check PhP100,000.00
Customer Limit per Month PhP200,000.00
Velocity Limit per customer, per day 50 checks
Velocity Limit per customer, per month
100 checks



Clients can easily deposit eligible checks just by taking a photo via the upgraded Mobile App. They no longer need to go to the bank to have their checks cleared.

  1. What is PSBank Mobile Check Deposit facility?

    The Mobile Check Deposit facility allows individual clients to deposit eligible PSBank and other local checks payable to them to their personal savings or checking accounts via the PSBank Mobile app.

  2. Who are eligible for the Mobile Check Deposit facility?

    PSBank clients who maintain a total deposit relationship balance of PhP50,000 (combined MTB-ADB for the relevant month or outstanding balances of Saving Account, Current Account, Time Deposit, and Prepaid).

    US Dollar-denominated accounts are included with fixed foreign exchange conversion rate at PhP50:USD1

  3. I’m not eligible to use the PSBank Mobile Check Deposit but would like to avail of this facility, what should I do?

    You may call the PSBank Customer Experience Hotline at (632) 8845-8888 or email us at [email protected].  You may also LiveChat us at www.psbank.com.ph.

  4. What are the eligible target accounts for Mobile Check Deposit?

    You may deposit to your active savings and checking accounts.

    However, you cannot use your Prepaid, Time Deposit, Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF), Loan accounts and accounts with restrictions (e.g. Cash Basis Only, Dormant, Garnished) as a target account for Mobile Check deposit.

  5. What types of checks can I deposit?

    You can deposit checks that are:

    1. Drawn on PSBank or other local banks
    2. Payable in Philippine currency only
    3. Dated not more than six (6) months or 179 days prior to the date of deposit
    4. Payable to the account holder where the check will be deposited to
    5. Completely filled out, signed, with “For Electronic Endorsement Only to PSBank” written at the back of the check, endorsed or presented in accordance with the pertinent laws on negotiable instruments
    6. Not have been previously endorsed / negotiated / presented, either manually or electronically
    7. Acceptable under the terms of your PSBank Account and not prohibited by PSBank under the current rules relating to the service

  6. What types of check are NOT allowed or acceptable for deposit via the PSBank Mobile Check Deposit facility?

    1. Foreign currency checks
    2. Post-dated, out-of-date, stale, and invalid checks
    3. Partially-negotiated checks
    4. Checks that are payable to joint “and” accounts
    5. Second-endorsed checks or those that are payable to payees other than the account holder
    6. Checks for second presentment
    7. Checks with alterations
    8. Other checks deemed not acceptable per PSBank and Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC) rules
    9. Check deposits exceeding the set amount limit per check or exceeding customer limit

      Note: Check deposits to Prepaid, Time Deposit, UITF, Loan accounts and accounts with restrictions shall not be allowed.

  7. How do I deposit checks via PSBank Mobile app?

    1. Log in to PSBank Mobile app
    2. Select “Deposit Check” (Note: you may also go to “Create a Transaction” module in the Mobile app to make a check deposit)

      For first time users, read the Terms and Conditions, tick “I Agree” and click Proceed.

    3. Choose the target account where the check will be deposited
    4. Encode the amount of the check
    5. Sign at the back of the check and indicate “For Electronic Endorsement Only to PSBank”,  DATE OF DEPOSIT,  and the account number where the check will be deposited
    6. Take a photo of the front and back of your endorsed check with your mobile device. Please follow these guidelines:


        • Make sure that the check is completely filled-out and has no erasures or alterations.
        • When taking a photo of the check, make sure there is enough light and avoid any reflections or shadows on the check.
        • Place the check against a dark background inside the frame. 


        • Make sure to legibly write the following information at the back of the check before you take a photo:

          • “For electronic endorsement to PSBank only”
          • PSBank Account Number where the check will be deposited to
          • Your endorsement or signature
          • Date of deposit


            • Provide the required information at the back of the check (see illustration below for your reference):

              1. Write  “For electronic endorsement to PSBank only”
              2. Your signature
              3. PSBank account number where the check will be deposited
              4. Date of deposit

            • Checks with any erasures, alterations or with multiple account numbers written at the back side of the check shall not be accepted for deposit.

    7. Submit check images for processing
    8. An SMS and email transaction notifications will be sent to your registered mobile number and email address.

      Note: Checks will be subject to image quality checking to ensure compliance with PSBank and PCHC standards. Checks shall likewise be reviewed by PSBank for its technicalities and compliance with the bank’s guidelines. Only acceptable checks shall be submitted for clearing / processing.

  8. Can I deposit a check anytime via the Mobile Check Deposit feature of PSBank Mobile app?

    You may deposit a check anytime. However, processing of checks shall follow these guidelines:

    1. Checks received during banking days up to the clearing cut-off of 3:00 p.m. will be processed within the day.
    2. Checks received after the 3:00 p.m. clearing cut-off, during weekends, or holidays will be processed on the next banking day.

  9. Are there fees or charges in using the PSBank Mobile Check Deposit facility?

    Use of the PSBank Mobile Check Deposit facility is currently FREE of charge.

  10. What are the reasons for my Mobile Check deposit to be rejected?

    Your Mobile Check deposit will be rejected for the following reasons:

    1. Check is found to be non-compliant (e.g. checks with technicalities, failed image quality standards, improper cropping, etc.) with PSBank standards, rules, and requirements
    2. Check is post-dated, stale, with no drawer’s signature, with missing information, with erasures, alterations, or with other technical defects
    3. Account where the check will be deposited to is tagged as Cash-Basis-Only or with other restrictions
    4. It failed the Philippine Clearing House standards and rules

  11. What do I do if my Mobile Check deposit was rejected or disapproved?

    1. You may present the check to any PSBank if after several attempts, check was still rejected due to photo validation failure.
    2. You may simply retake a photo of the check after applying the necessary corrections, if it was rejected due to the following reasons:

      Invalid amount
      • Wrong amount encoded in PSBank Mobile
      • No amount in figures or words
      Invalid check image
      • Scanned check image is both front or both back
      • Check image is skewed
      • Check image is too light or too dark
      Invalid payee name
      • “Payee Name” is blank
      • “Payee Name” is incomplete
      Invalid date Check is post-dated
      No signature No signature of the issuer
      No endorsement
      • Payee was not able to indicate the following at the back of the check:
        • Account number to where the check will be deposited
        • “For electronic endorsement to PSBank only”
        • Date of Deposit
      • No virtual Unique Identification Code spray


    3. You may call our 24/7 Customer Experience Hotline at (632) 8845-8888 if check was rejected due to reasons other than those mentioned in a and b.

  12. What should I do if the check I deposited via PSBank Mobile Check Deposit was returned?

    A check previously deposited through the check deposit feature of PSBank Mobile app which was returned by the Drawee Bank and is qualified for re-deposit may be directly deposited to any PSBank Branch for second presentment.

    To know if your check is qualified for re-deposit, you may call your branch of account.

  13. When will the funds from my Mobile Check deposit be available?

    The funds from Mobile Check deposits will be available for withdrawal once cleared by the Drawee bank.

    You will know that your deposit is available when the amount appears in the available balance of the account you tagged as the target account for your Mobile Check Deposit.

    You will also receive an SMS and e-mail notification on the following status of your Mobile Check deposit:

    Check Status SMS E-mail
    Pending for processing
    Rejected by PSBank - Clearing Department
    Posted to the account


  14. What are my responsibilities under the PSBank Mobile Check Deposit?

    1. Deposit only qualified/eligible checks
    2. Not to deposit duplicate checks, re-deposit or renegotiate the corresponding paper/physical check
    3. Provide accurate and true information to the Bank
    4. Comply with the terms and conditions of the PSBank Mobile Check Deposit, applicable laws, rules and regulations, and any and all procedures and instructions for use of the service as the Bank may establish from time to time
    5. Be solely responsible for the original / physical check, including its storage, retrieval and destruction
    6. Warrants that you are not aware of any circumstances which may impair the acceptability of the check

  15. What should I do with the physical check?

    1. Mark the check as “Electronically Presented” or “VOID” upon clearance.
    2. Keep the physical/original check for at least 180 calendar days from the date the image was submitted through Mobile Check deposit and refrain from providing the check to any other person or financial institution.
    3. Surrender the physical check to the Branch upon PSBank’s request, in the event that the Bank need it to facilitate the clearing and collection process, to address third party claims, or for the Bank’s own audit purposes.
    4. After 180 days, destroy the check submitted via Mobile Check deposit, or prevent its further transmission, deposit, or presentment.

  16. What should I do if I have concerns or questions on my Mobile Check Deposit transaction?

    For inquiries or concerns on your Mobile Check Deposit transaction, you may call our 24/7 Customer Experience Hotline at (632) 8845-8888, email us at [email protected] or visit any PSBank Branch. You may also LiveChat us at www.psbank.com.ph.

For more information:


* Deposits are insured by PDIC up to PhP500,000 per depositor.

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